AI Directory Listing Fee (One-time)

Select your package and proceed to payment to submit your listing for review. We will review new listings within 48 hours and contact you in case of any issues

Early Bird Special - 50% off

We offer great partnership opportunities for AI startups

Looking to build your SEO backlink profile and drive relevant high-intent traffic to your website? We offer many sponsorship and partnership opportunities.

Directory Listing

Expose your product to an engaged and relevant audience

Featured Listing

Dominate your relevant categories, product tags and even our homepage

Aggregator X Webflow Template - Icon

Review & Comparison

We will test your product and write review and comparison articles

Guest Blog Post

Publish blog posts as a guest creator and link back to your site

Newsletter Sponsor

We will test and write a comparison article about your product

Affiliate Partnerships

Offer an affiliate partnership? We would love to collaborate

Become a Partner

We collaborate with AI products and founders to gain extra exposure for your products. We often become affiliate parters and we focus on driving traffic from various of our channels. Contact us for more details.

Social Media Posts
Youtube Videos
Newsletter Sponsorship
Guest Blog Posting
Best AI Tools Lists
Infographics Sponsorships
Competitor Comparisons
Custom Ads & Content
Check - Elements Webflow Library - BRIX Templates

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Why should I list my AI Product here?

We are a curated ecosystem for AI products. Our audience are AI enthusiasts who want to discover Ai tools to supercharge their productivity. Our users are looking for your service, and by listing yourself here you gain exposure within a highly relevant audience. 

We also include a dofollow backlink to your website for SEO purposes and offer several advertisement, sponsorship and partnerships opportunities

Can I edit my product?

Yes, you will get access to our listing management system which allows you to edit details for your post, upgrade your listing and purchase add ons for your listing.

How quickly is my product listed?

We carefully review all listing submissions and always aim to publish within 24 hours of payment. During this period we will have a look at your website and try to understand your product. We will then use the information provided by you in the listing process to write the user-facing version of your listing.

Can my listing get rejected after I pay?

Yes, if we decide not to list your product, it is either because it violates our policies or fall into categories that are not included in our scope. We also say away from products we feel seem insecure or harmful to the user.

Do I get backlinks to my website for SEO purposes?

Yes, we give do-follow backlinks to your site and we use an indexing tool to push the backlinks for indexing as quickly as possible.

Can I advertise without a listing?

No, currently we only offer advertising and sponsorship solutions to products listed in our directory. We do this to ensure the experience is as relevant as possible for our user who come here to discover AI products to supercharge their productivity. If your product doesn't include AI but you still believe it is relevant to our scope and mission, you can contact us for more information.